GET_CommGuide_2022_WEB - page 27

2022/2023 Edition
Tot Yoga
(able crawler to 24 months, with one adult)
These classes are creative, fun-loving and active.
Watch tots become more confident as they are
encouraged and supported in their physical
explorations. Your tot will playfully practice yoga
poses with your assistance, while sitting, standing,
walking, and jumping. This is a faster-paced yoga
class because of the tots’ newfound mobility
and curiosity. Parents will still find time for quiet
breathing and relaxation practice.
DDPY Rebuild
DDPY Rebuild Chair Force is a unique program
designed specifically for individuals who may
have limited mobility due to age, injury, or some
other condition. No matter what your limitations
may be, Rebuild will meet you where you are at.
DDPY Rebuild is a workout that is done completely
sitting in a chair, with the purpose of helping
individuals gain strength, flexibility, and most of
all mobility. This is a good starting point if you
struggle with balance or have trouble standing for
long periods of time.
DDPY combines the very best of yoga, traditional
fitness, sports therapy, and dynamic resistance
to create one of the most effective fitness plans
in existence today. DDPY is suitable for everyone
wanting to perform at an optimum level and want
to see life changing results while improving their
activity and quality of life.
Challenge your Balance
This class is a slower moving balanced focused
vinyasa. We will flow through our balance poses
incorporating flexibility, strength and of course,
balance. Opening the chest, hips and hamstrings
throughout this practice. Standing and seated
poses will be incorporated in this class.
Modifications will be available if needed.
Soft Flow
This class offers a variety of movements in a more
calming style of yoga. Using gentle stretches to
mindfully ease into your poses as we start on our
mats and then make our way up for some softer
flowing standing poses.
*Recommended for: new or beginner yogis or
individuals who want a lower impact flow.
Sweat with Grace
This class is exactly how the name sounds.
Incorporating strength, balance and flexibility. We
will flow through our poses with grace, allowing
us to connect with the breath creating some heat
within. Modifications and advancements will be
offered if needed.
Stretch Refresh
This class is a yin style of yoga. We move from
stretch to stretch throughout the class. Holding
our stretches for about 3-5 minutes each, allowing
us to deepen our connective tissues. This class is
a slow paced non-flow yoga done on our mats.
Blocks are needed and straps are recommended
(can also bring a bolster or thick blankets).
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