The Fire and Emergency Services Department is responsible for emergency response and fire prevention activities within the Township.
On Saturday, December 3, 2016, the Guelph Eramosa Fire Department successfully conducted its Tanker Shuttle Accreditation Test. In a rural firefighting situation, fire hydrants are not available and a water supply must be provided by transporting water in tanker trucks. Typically several tanker trucks are called in from neighbouring municipalities to ensure sufficient supply. In the accompanying video, you will see the pumper truck spraying water, with two tanker trucks dumping water into the portable tanks, from which the pumper drafts.
With support from our neighbouring departments, we were able to sustain high-flow water discharge, with uninterrupted tanker supply, resulting in successful accreditation. The Guelph Eramosa Fire Department would like to thank Puslinch, Guelph, Erin, and Centre Wellington Fire Departments for supplying tanker trucks and participating in the test. Here is a copy of the Tanker Shuttle Certificate.
The Rockwood Fire Department is responsible under the Fire Protection and Prevention Act, 1997 for the delivery of a public education program in our community. Actively throughout the year, the department conducts an assortment of activities, including but not limited to: station visits by community organizations, public education talks at libraries and schools, occupational fire safety presentations, community public relations events, portable fire extinguisher training, the annually held station open house, visits to our communities public schools etc. The following are some specific programs delivered in the Township and by the fire department.
For more information, contact:
Mathew Williamson, Fire Prevention Officer
Click here to view the response coverage area for Guelph/Eramosa
Click here to visit our fire department recruitment page
Click here to view our fire department photo gallery
Click here to view our fire safety videos
In case of emergency, dial 911.
Rockwood Fire Station Address
5141 Wellington Road 27
Rockwood, Ontario
N0B 2K0
T: 519-856-9637
F: 519-856-9736
E: Guelpheramosafd@get.on.ca
Follow us on Twitter
Mailing Address
Township of Guelph/Eramosa
8348 Wellington Road 124, P.O. Box 700
Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0
Wellington County Training Officers
County of Wellington Emergency Management
Office of the Fire Marshall