Telecommunication Towers

Telecommunication Towers

The regulation and approval of telecommunication towers, antennas, and related facilities falls under federal jurisdiction and is governed by the Radiocommunication Act administered by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED).

Under the authority of the Radiocommunication Act, the ISED developed the Client Procedure Circular CPC-2-0-03 to outline development and licensing requirements for proposed telecommunication facilities. To ensure local compatibility, the ISED requires applicants to obtain Municipal Approval and to engage in both municipal and public consultation.

The Township has implemented Policy COR-0206, as amended, to provide guidance on the municipal approval process for telecommunication towers and antennas.


A Pre-consultation Meeting between the applicant, municipality, and other designated authorities, shall be required prior to the acceptance of a Formal Application.

The purpose of the Pre-consultation Meeting shall be to identify the information and materials necessary for the processing of an application, which must be submitted before an application is deemed complete.

The following information is to be submitted as part of the Pre-Consultation Meeting Request:

  • The location of the proposed telecommunications facility, including the municipal address and a map identifying where it is to be situated on the subject property.
  • An outline of the proposed telecommunications facility and, if applicable, how it meets one of the exclusion criteria.
  • Set of drawings illustrating the proposal, including a conceptual site plan, elevation drawings, and context plan showing the development within the existing neighborhood (which can be supplied using an aerial photograph base).

Note: The Pre-consultation Meeting, and any preceding discussions with the municipality, are not counted towards the 120-day consultation period identified by the ISED. The 120-day consultation period shall not commence until the application is deemed complete.

To submit a Pre-consultation Meeting request, please Click here.

Commonly Asked Questions

Where the following criteria applies, Municipal Approval is not required:

  • New Antenna Systems with a height less than 15 metres above ground level provided the antenna system is not proposed by a telecommunication carrier, broadcasting undertaking or third-party tower owner.
  • Minor modifications, additions or extensions to Existing Antenna Systems not exceeding a total cumulative height of 25% of the original installation. This only applies to replacements similar in design and location and provided it is not proposed by a telecommunications carrier, broadcasting undertaking or third-party tower owner. No increase to occur within 1 year of the initial construction.
  • Non tower structures including antennas on buildings, water towers, lamp posts, etc., may be excluded provided that the height above ground is not increased by more than 25%.
  • Temporary antenna systems used for special events or emergency operations, provided they are removed within a three-month timeframe.

Height is measured from the lowest ground level at the base, including the foundation, to the tallest point of the antenna system. Depending on the installation, the tallest point may be an antenna, lightning rod, aviation obstruction lighting or some other appurtenance.

Notwithstanding the above, applicants are still required to contact the Planning Department at if the proposal falls under the exclusion criteria to confirm and obtain written confirmation from the Township, which can then be provided to the ISED.

The applicant shall be encouraged to use existing structures wherever possible. This includes sharing an existing antenna system, modifying, or replacing (if necessary), existing structures, and using existing infrastructure such as rooftops, water towers, etc.

Where co-location is not possible, when selecting a site for a new tower, the following shall be taken into consideration:

  • Maximizing distance from residential areas
  • Distance from public and institutional facilities such as schools, hospitals, community centre, daycare facilities, and senior’s residences
  • Avoidance of natural features, vegetation, hazard lands (floodplains, steep slopes)
  • Avoiding areas of topographical prominence, where possible, to minimize long/short range viewscapes
  • Compatibility with adjacent land uses

Structures shall be designed to minimize visual impact and to avoid disturbance of significant natural features by:

Selecting a type and colouring of structure that blends in with the surroundings.

  • Providing landscaping and visual screening where appropriate.
  • Incorporating safety features to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Designing towers and any accessory base stations so that they fit into the context of the surrounding area.
  • Implementing tower designs that mimic other features customarily found in the area, such as trees and flagpoles, where appropriate.
  • Ensuring towers only accommodate telecommunication facilities and that there are no signed or other materials apart from that which is required by ISED or for safety or identification purposes (e.g. small plaque at the base of the tower), as deemed appropriate by the Township or other authority.

Notice will be provided through regular mail to all property owners located with a radius of three times the tower height, to a minimum of 120m, measured from the outside permitted of the supporting structure.

An advertisement will also be posted in the local newspaper if the tower is over 30m in height, measured at the base of the structure.

Note that proposals that meet the exclusion criteria, identified above, will not be subject to municipal approval.

The public shall be provided with a minimum of 30 days, from the date of the notice, to submit written or verbal comments, including questions and concerns.

A Community Information Session/Open House will also be scheduled where members of the public can attend, ask questions, and provide comment.

Note: Proposed towers located in commercial or industrial zones and a minimum of 120 metres from residential, agricultural, or other sensitive land uses, as deemed by the municipality, shall not require public consultation.

 Submitting an Application

Before submitting a Telecommunication Tower Application, please make sure that you have prepared the necessary submission materials identified in the Township’s Telecommunication Tower Policy COR-0206, as amended, and during the Pre-Consultation Process.

As identified in Telecommunication Tower Policy COR-0206, the following materials must be provided as part of a Formal Application:

1) A written explanation detailing:

  • The rationale for the selection of the proposed site, indicating whether the location provides coverage and/or capacity, and what areas/communities will benefit from the new facility
  • If applicable, justification for the proposed height of the tower
  • How the facility will compliment and become a part of the future community without unduly limiting the potential for future urban development
  • If applicable, the justification as to why you are not able to comply with the design criteria identified under this Protocol
  • The potential effects that the proposal may have on nearby electronic equipment (both existing and proposed) in accordance with CPC-2-0-03 and EMCAB-2, as well as measures proposed to mitigate those effects

2) Identification of co-location alternatives considered within a 3 km radius of the proposed site using the National Antenna Information Database to identify candidates and a statement on future co-location possibilities for the support structure, if applicable.

3) Colour photographs of the subject property showing current site conditions, superimposed images of the proposed facility, and a topographical map or satellite image showing the location from which the pictures were taken.

4) Site plan or survey drawn to scale and showing:

  • The subject lot and lease area (a key plan can be used for properties having an area of 2.0 hectares or greater)
  • General site grading
  • The location of existing lot lines and setbacks from the proposed facility
  • Setbacks from the proposed facility to existing and proposed buildings
  • Setbacks from the nearest building not on the subject property, measured from the nearest point of the building, structure, or feature
  • Existing and proposed landscaping, including an inventory of existing vegetation and any plantings proposed to screen the base of the tower and any structures on the ground where applicable
  • Access proposed and any motor vehicle parking spaces with dimensions
  • The structure type and height of the proposed facility

5) Mapping prepared to appropriate metric scale showing the location of the proposed radiocommunications facility within the community.

6) Network coverage mapping showing the applicant’s current coverage (if applicable) and anticipated coverage with the installation of the proposed facility, including the nearest existing antenna systems belonging to the proponent.

7) Approvals from Transport Canada and NAV Canada outlining aeronautical obstruction marking requirements (whether painting, lighting, or both) if available. If unavailable, the proponents can provide their applications to Transport Canada and NAV Canada together with an undertaking to provide those requirements once they become available.

8) A written attestation signed by the Professional Engineer taking responsibility for the site’s compliance, stating:

  • That the proposed facility will comply with Safety Code 6
  • That the proposed facility will comply with the National Building Code and National Fire Code in accordance with the proponent’s responsibilities under enabling federal legislation                                           

In lieu of providing attestations for the above matters, a Declaration of Insurance and Liability Statement is required

9) Confirmation that the applicant has circulated submission materials to the Clerk and/or Planning Director of adjacent municipalities within 500 metres of the proposed site.

Once you have prepared the necessary information, please complete the digital application provided below. If you have any questions about the form, please contact