
July 6, 2020 

Effective Monday July 6th, 2020, the Township of Guelph Eramosa Fire Chief has declared an open-air fire ban in the township due to lack of significant rainfall and forecasted hot dry conditions. There will be no open-air burning permitted in the Township of Guelph Eramosa until further notice.

All open-air fires are prohibited during a fire ban, including those properties that have an Open-Air Burn Permit. This ban applies to agriculture burns, brush pile burns, recreational fires, burn barrels, outdoor fireplaces/chimineas or any other fires set in open air. Municipal bylaws have set fines and surcharges for those found to be in violation of the ban.

The only exception to this ban is cooking fires within approved campgrounds. Cooking fires are permitted on campsites until midnight (12am) only. After midnight, all fires must be completely extinguished.

If you discover a fire in the open, it is very important that you report fires immediately by dialing 9-1-1.

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