Community Improvement Plan

What is a Community Improvement Plan (CIP)?

The purpose of the proposed Community Improvement Plan (CIP) is to provide a framework to revitalize and reshape public and private land in defined Community Improvement Project Areas (CIPAs).  It will allow the Township to provide financial incentives to encourage the enhancement of existing built-up areas, diversify business types and investment opportunities, and enhance connectivity within the Township and to adjacent communities.

When made available in a given year by Council, programs will be made available to properties within the following land use designations as defined within the Wellington County Official Plan: The Urban Centre of Rockwood, The Hamlet Areas, Primage Agricultural Lands, and Rural Employment Areas.

View a copy of the Community Improvement Plan (CIP)

Appendix A

Appendix B

Community Improvement Application Package

For more information about the CIP project, please contact:

Ian Roger, Chief Administrative Officer
(519) 856-9596, ext. 105 or

Additional Resources