Tree and Bench Program

The Township of Guelph/Eramosa is pleased to offer the Memorial Tree and Bench program, allowing residents the unique opportunity to have a tree or bench placed in one of the Townships many parks, green spaces and facilities, to celebrate the life of a loved one.

Your tree will serve as a living legacy that will enhance our park’s beauty and provide many beneficial ecological services over the course of its lifetime. Your bench will become a place to rest, enjoy a conversation with friends and benefit the entire community.

Memorial Tree Details

The Townships memorial trees are a minimum of 45mm in diameter. Each tree is memorialized at the base of the tree with a 4”x6” cast aluminum plaque with your custom inscription.

Cost: $766.00 (plus hst)

Memorial Bench Details

The Township’s memorial benches are 6’ long made out of recycled plastic slats, mounted on 2” black powder coated steel and installed on an 8’x4’ concrete pad. Each bench is memorialized with a 2”x12” bronze plaque with your custom inscription.

Cost: $2,708.00 (plus hst)

Dedication Location

Location selection for benches and trees is at the discretion of the purchaser with approval of the Townships parks and recreation staff. 

Click here to download the full brochure.

For any additional questions please contact or 519-856-9596 ext. 113

Click here to request a Memorial Tree or Bench in one the Townships parks or facilities. Requests are reviewed within 2 business days of submission, you will be contact directly to discuss further options.