Get ready for recreation by creating your account on our new online registration system. By registering online, you can view, register and securely pay for Guelph/Eramosa Recreation programs, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Everyone will need to create a new account, even returning users.
Ensure you are ready, create your new online account now.
Please Note:
- Google Chrome is the ideal browser to use when creating your account and registering online.
- Only the person set as the primary contact on your account is able to see/register any other members of your family. To change the primary contact, call 519-856-9596 ext. 113.
- Please note that when you create an account, you will get an email from This is a legitimate email. To ensure you receive this and all future communication, we ask you to flag this address as ‘safe’ in your email settings to avoid it passing to your SPAM/JUNK folder.
Create An Account