If you're looking to establish an Accessory Residential Unit (ARU), see the Township's New ARU Guide!
A Zoning By-law provides the land use rules for our community. These rules must follow the Provincial and County policies, where applicable. Some examples of items regulated by the Zoning By-law include:
- How the land can be used,

- Determining where a building or structure can be placed on a lot,
- How big or small a lot can be,
- How many parking spaces are required, and
- Much more.
How do you Identify the Zoning of your Property?
To identify your property’s zoning, please Click Here to access the Township’s Online Interactive Planning Map. Alternatively, you can use the mapping found below in Schedule A – Maps.
Tip: Use the Main Key Map to identify which map (1 to 60) contains your property’s zoning information.
Once you have identified the zoning designation, please refer to the numbered Sections of the Zoning By-law to find the permitted uses and associated regulations for your property.
Sections of Zoning By-law 40/2016
Title & Intrepretation
Administration & Zones
General Provisions
Parking, Stacking & Loading Area Regulations
Agricultural (A) Zone
Rural Residential (RR) Zone
Village Residential Low Density (R1) Zone
Village Residential Medium Density (R2) Zone
Village Commercial (C1) Zone
Village Service Commercial (C2) Zone
Hamlet Mixed Use (C3) Zone
Highway Commercial (C4) Zone
Rural Industrial (M1) Zone
Extractive Industrial (M3) Zone
Disposal Industrial (M4) Zone
Institutional (I) Zone
Open Space (OS1) Zone
Open Space Restricted (OS2) Zone
Environmental Protection (EP) Zone
Special Provisions
Map 1 - Wellhead Protection Areas |
Accessible Parking
Source Water Screening
Source Water Screening - Zoning By-law Amendment 14/2018
Planning Inquiries, please contact:
Amanda Roger, Planning Technician