Minor Variance Application

What is a Minor Variance?

A Minor Variance is a slight variation to the regulations outlined in the Zoning By-law.

To be considered a Minor Variance, the proposal must meet the four tests outlined in Section 45(1) of the Planning Act:

  1. Is the application minor in nature?
  2. Is the application desirable for the appropriate development of the land, building or structure in question?
  3. Does the application conform to the general intent of the Zoning By-law?
  4. Does the application conform to the general intent of the Official Plan?
When is a Minor Variance application required?

A Minor Variance application is required when proposing changes to a property that do not comply with applicable Zoning regulations. The purpose of the Minor Variance application is to permit relief from the applicable Zoning By-law to allow for the issuance of a Building and/or Entrance Permit. 

Commonly Asked Questions:

The Minor Variance process takes approximately two (2) months to complete. Minor Variance Hearing dates are scheduled at the beginning of the year. Please note, hearing dates may be rescheduled based on Committee member availability and/or time conflicts. If the Hearing is rescheduled, applicants will be informed, and the proposed Minor Variance application will be moved to the following Hearing date.

To identify the next submission deadline, please refer to the Committee of Adjustment Schedule of Meetings .

For the cost of a Minor Variance Application, please refer to the Township’s Planning Service Fee By-law #17/2024 located here.

Please note: The Township uses consultants for Planning, Engineering, and Legal services. The Township’s planning processes operate on a user-fee basis. As such, all consulting costs incurred by the Township in the processing of an application are to be paid by the applicant. Additional fees may be required by external commenting agencies, such as the Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) or Ministry of Transportation Ontario (MTO). 

The County of Wellington serve as our Planning Consultants. Their Planning & Land Division Fees can be found online here. Please refer specifically to the Local Municipal Charges for their consultant fees.  

The Committee of Adjustment is the approval authority for Minor Variance Applications. The Committee will make their decision during a scheduled Hearing.

Required documents include:

  1. Completed Online Application Form (see below)
  2. Concept Plan, which includes:
    • show the location of the property
    • True dimensions and bearings, including a north arrow and municipal address
    • Drawing name and number, date and revision table (if applicable)
    • Name and address of the authoring firm, along with stamp of seal as appropriate
    • Metric scale (1:100, 1:200, 1:300, 1:1500) with all measurements shown in meters
    • Adjacent streets, sidewalks and land uses
    • Legal designations (i.e. road widenings, easements, right-of-ways)
    • Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed buildings and structures
    • Dimensions of all yards (i.e. setbacks of all buildings and structures from property lines
    • Location and dimensions of existing and proposed services (i.e. septic tanks and file field areas, wells snow removal/storage, etc.) and their setbacks
    • Location and dimensions of relief requested specifically indicated.
  3. Floor Plans and Elevation Drawings (include measurements)
  4. Parcel Register (if applicable)

For more information regarding the Township’s Minor Variance process, please contact the Planning Department at planning@get.on.ca.

  1. Application submitted
  2. Submission reviewed for completeness
  3. Application deemed complete
  4. Application circulated to relevant agencies and staff for review and comment
    • Note: comments may need to be addressed by the applicant before proceeding
  5. Notice of Hearing published in Wellington Advertiser, and mailed to property owners within 60m of the subject property
  6. Signage to be collected by the applicant and posted on the property two weeks prior to the scheduled hearing date
  7. The Planning Report, agency comments, and agenda are forwarded to the applicant and provided on the Township website one week before the hearing
  8. Committee of Adjustment Hearing
    • The Committee hears the application and considered approval of the Minor Variance(s). Note: The Committee may impose additional conditions.
  9. A notice of decision is issued and an appeal period of 20-days commences
  10. If no appeals are received, a Notice of No Appeals is sent to the applicant and the Minor Variance(s) is considered final and binding.

A Building Permit can be applied for when and if the Committee approves the requested variances during a scheduled Hearing. Note: The Building Permit cannot be issued until after the 20-day appeal period has ended, provided no appeals have been received.

For more information regarding Building Permit requirements, please visit the Building Department webpage or contac them at building@get.on.ca.

Submitting an Application

Before submitting a Minor Variance Application, please make sure that you have discussed the proposal with the Planning Department.  

If the applicant is not the owner of the property, you will be required to fill out the following form:

Once you have prepared all necessary documents (e.g. Site Plan/Concept Plan, Floor Plans, Elevation Drawings, etc.) prepared by a qualified professional, you can submit your Minor Variance Application using the digital form below: