Licenses and Permits

The Township of Guelph/Eramosa issues a wide variety of licenses and permits.


For more information about Dog Licences, click here.

The Township of Guelph/Eramosa regulates and licenses dog kennels within the township. All kennels must comply with the Zoning and Site plan Control By-law requirements.

A Kennel Licence is required when a minimum of three (3) dogs or four (4) cats are housed, boarded, bred, trained, sold or kept.  In addition to this, there are specific provisions for boarding and breeding kennels.

Every license issued pursuant to the By-law shall expire twelve months succeeding the date of issue. Municipal Law Enforcement Officers conduct inspections of all Kennels throughout the year to ensure compliance with the By-law.

 Boarding Kennels:

  • The maximum number of dogs permitted in any one (1) kennel for which a Boarding Kennel License has been issued shall not exceed fifty (50) dogs and is based on the square footage of the housing.

Breeding Kennels:

  • The maximum number of dogs permitted in any one (1) Kennel for which a Breeding Kennel License has been issued shall not exceed ten (10) intact dogs or cats and is based on the square footage of the housing.

For more details about Kennel Licencing, please refer to By-Law 04-2017.

A copy of the Kennel Licence Application Form can be found by clicking here.

The Township of Guelph/Eramosa provides Lottery Licences for charitable gaming, as required by the Gaming Control Act, 1992.  As part of the AGCO’s regulatory responsibilities in the charitable sector, municipalities may administer, in partnership with the AGCO, the regulatory framework governing the issuance of charitable lottery licences. (see Order-in-Council 1413/08).

The Township may issue lottery licences for the following lottery events being conducted within the community:

  • Bingo events with prizes valued at up to $5,500.00
  • Raffles with prizes valued at up to $50,000.00
  • Break Open Ticket events which are not conducted in combination with any other events and where tickets are sold within the municipality
  • Bazaar gaming events
  • Media bingo with prizes valued at up to $5,500.00
Step 1: Are you eligible?

To be eligible to receive a lottery licence, an organization must first have charitable purposes and objects that fall within one of the four classifications of charitability:

a) The Relief of Poverty

b) The Advancement of Education

c) The Advancement of Religion

d) Other Charitable Purposes Beneficial to the Community, not falling under a) b) or c)

Examples of eligible organizations include but are not limited to: minor sports leagues (under 18 years of age), service clubs and religious organizations.

An Application for Lottery Licensing Eligibility must be completed and submitted to the Legislative Services Department.

For more information, please see: Chapter 2 of Ontario’s Lottery Licensing Policy Manual.

Step 2:  Lottery Licence Application

There are different types of application processes for various types of lotteries including:

  1. Bazaar Licence
  2. Raffles
  3. Social Gaming Events
  4. Break Open Tickets
  5. Fair or Exhibition Gaming Event
  6. Bingo in Non-Pooling Bingo Halls
  7. Charitable Gaming Event in Pooling Bingo Hall

For Raffle Licences, please complete the Application to Manage and Conduct a Raffle Lottery Form and submit to the Legislative Services Department. Staff will review your application to ensure it meets the regulations stated in the  Ontario’s Lottery Licensing Policy Manual.  Your application should also include:

  1. A letter outlining the details of your raffle including the number of tickets that will be printed
  2. A sample copy of your raffle ticket and stub (Note that licensee’s name must appear on both the main ticket and the ticket stub and on all forms of advertising for the raffle, including brochures and handouts).
  3. For prizes worth more than $500: Legible copies of firm price quotation and a letter of intent, invoice or agreement to purchase each prize.
  4. For prizes totalling $10,000 or more:  A letter of credit must be presented.
  5. Other documentation may be required depending on the type of raffle.

Also note that:

  1. Livestock must not be awarded as prizes
  2. Licensee must pay any duty, sales tax or other additional costs related to prizes. These costs must be included in the stated value of the prizes.
  3. The retail market value of the prizes to be awarded must not be less than 20% of the total value of all tickets printed
  4. The fee for the lottery licence is set in the Fees and Charges By-law and is 3% of the estimated total value of prizes.
Step 3: Submit Lottery Report after Your Lottery

Lottery Report forms must be submitted to Legislative Services within 30 days after the lottery event.

For more information on lottery licences, please contact Legislative Services at 519-856-9596 ext. 107 or email the Clerk's department.

How Can I Get A Marriage Licence?

An application form must be completed and signed by both parties in  order to obtain a marriage licence. 

The application form must be submitted along with supporting documents for both parties.  Both parties are encouraged to attend in person, however only one of the parties is required to  submit the application provided they have the proper original documents for the absent party. 

The marriage licence is valid for use anywhere in Ontario for a period of three months from the date of issue.

An appointment to apply for your marriage licence is required. The process will take approximately 30 minutes. 

What Do I Need To Get A Marriage Licence?

Two pieces of identification are required for each party.  Please bring the original birth certificates plus current government issued photo identification.

If divorced in Canada, the original or court certified copy of the certificate of divorce must accompany the application.  A divorce judgement is not acceptable proof of divorce.

If you were divorced outside of Canada, please contact us for further information before applying.

Check List:
  • Completed Application Form
  • Original Birth Certificates for Each Partner
  • Current Government Issued Photo ID (Passport, Drivers Licence, or Canadian Citizenship)  for Each Partner
  • Original Certificate of Divorce or Decree Absolute (if applicable)
  • Application Fee ($158.00 Cash, Debit, or Credit)

We cannot accept photocopies or expired identification.

Documents in a language other than English or French must be translated by a certified translator. If you do not understand or read English, please provide your own interpreter and they must provide identification.

For more information on Marriage Licensing or to book an appointment, please contact Legislative Services at 519-856-9596 ext. 101 or email the Clerk's department.



For information about Building Permits and Inspections, click here.

For information about Entrance Permits, click here.

The Township of Guelph/Eramosa policy regarding Filming on Properties and Streets (COR-0110) sets out the guidelines for the assessment and coordination of location filming projects within the Township. 

Click here to view a full copy of the township's filming policy (COR-0110)

Click here for an application for a film location permit

Road Closures
Submission Timeline

A complete application for a film location permit must be received by the Township Legislative Services Department not less than three (3) working days prior to filming, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

Permit Fee

There is a permit application fee of $588.00 for each film location permit to be submitted along with a completed application form.   A deposit will also be required.

Policy Requirements

Within is Film Location Policy, the Township has requirements for applicants related to:

  • Notification of neighbouring properties
  • Hours of filming
  • Community standards
  • Site clean-up
  • Vehicles, traffic and parking
  • Signage
  • Police and Emergency Services
  • Insurance
  • Noise
  • Lighting
  • Safety

For more information on filming in the Township and Film Location Permits, please contact Legislative Services at 519-856-9596 ext. 107 or email the Clerk's department.

For information about new lawn permits and outdoor water use restrictions, click here. 

For information about new Open Air Burning, click here.

A "Special Event" is any annual or infrequently occurring event or activities that take place at a Township park, property or on a Township road, requiring a road closure.  A Special Event may be a parade, procession, ceremony, street dance or party, festival, carnival, bicycle race, marathon or footrace, triathlon, biathlon, walkathon that occupies part or all of a road within the Township. 

Township's special events policy (COR-0111)

Special events permit application

Submission Timeline

A complete application for a special event permit must be received by the Township Legislative Services Department not less than thirty (30) days prior to the event. 

Policy Requirements

Please view the Township's Special Events Policy for more information about requirements relating to:

  • Insurance
  • Signage and Barricades
  • Temporary Structures
  • Locates
  • Waste Disposal
  • Site Plan
  • Temporary Power and Utilities
  • Noise
  • Notification of community
  • Police and Emergency Assistance
  • Portable Washrooms
  • Trails
  • Competitive, Timed Events
  • Street Parties

For more information on special events in the Township and Special Events Permits, please contact Legislative Services at 519-856-9596 ext. 107 or email the Clerk's department.

Will you be serving alcohol at your event?

A special occasion permit is required for the sale and service of beverage alcohol at special occasions such as weddings, charity fundraisers, receptions, etc. These permits are issued through the LCBO on behalf of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario. You may be required to notify the Township about your special occasion permit. Notifications can be sent to the Clerk's department or mailed to the Township Office at PO Box 700, Rockwood, ON N0B 2K0. Should you require an acknowledgment letter from the Township, please advise.

Will you be using a tent or marquee?

Please be advised that if you are using a tent or a marquee that is greater than 640 square feet in area, you are required to apply for a temporary Building Permit from our Building Department. Please contact Building Department at Ext. 114# or, if you require such a permit. The Building Department will require a sketch outlining the location of all tents and/or marquees being used on the property for your event.

Will you be playing music past 11:00 p.m.?

If you are planning to play music at your event past 11:00 p.m., you will be required to complete a Noise By-law Exemption application, which must be approved by Council. Visit the Township's By-law Page for more information on Noise By-law.

Need a wedding venue?

Want to have your wedding at a Township park or facility, please visit our Community Facilities page or contact or 519-856-9596 ext. 113#.

Do you require an officiant?

The Township of Guelph/Eramosa offers Civil Marriage Ceremonies performed by the Municipal Clerk or the Deputy Clerk. For more information, click here.

Do you need a Marriage Licence?

We issue Marriage Licences at our Municipal Office. See your Marriage Licence page for information. 

For more information on weddings and private functions, please contact Legislative Services at 519-856-9596 ext. 101 or email the Clerk's department.


For more information on Site Alteration (Fill/Grading) Permits please click here.