The Committee of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial body that processes applications under Section 45 of the Planning Act relating to the following:
The Committee may grant a minor variance to any zoning by-laws passed under s.34 of the Planning Act (or a predecessor of this section) in respect of the land, buildings or structure, or the use thereof; and
The Committee may approve one or more applications for enlargement or extension to any existing legal non-conforming building or structure provided that the use continued from the date that the by-law was passed until the date of the application to the Committee;
The Committee may also approve one or more applications for a use that is either similar to or that is more compatible with the uses permitted in the by-law.
The Committee of Adjustment meets one Wednesday of each month, pending applications. The submission deadlines for Committee of Adjustment 2025 Hearing Dates can be found on the Schedule of Meetings.
Please contact our Planning Technician for more information about minor variances, the application process, or other matters related to the Committee of Adjustment.