The Township of Guelph/Eramosa has enacted regulations to govern the keeping of domestic poultry to ensure public health, safety, and environmental well-being. These regulations apply to properties under 0.8 hectares (2 acres) and outline responsibilities for poultry owners, property requirements, coop standards, and enforcement provisions.
Who Can Keep Domestic Poultry?
The property must be at least one acre in size.
The property must be zoned Agricultural (A) or Rural Residential (RR).
The poultry owner must reside on the property.
If the owner is not the property owner, written permission from the property owner is required.
General Regulations
Domestic poultry must be secured in a coop between 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
Poultry must be kept in an enclosed outdoor run when outside the coop.
Slaughtering of poultry at home is prohibited; disposal of deceased birds must follow proper procedures.
Sale of eggs, manure, or other poultry-related products is not allowed.
Owners must provide proper food, water, shelter, ventilation, and veterinary care.
Owners must review educational resources on poultry care, including OMAFRA guidelines.
Allowed and Prohibited Poultry
A maximum of 10 birds per property.
Roosters and male ducks are strictly prohibited.
Allowed poultry types: chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys.
Coop & Outdoor Run Requirements
Location Restrictions:
Cannot be located in front yards.
Must be at least 5 meters from dwellings and 3 meters from property lines and structures.
Must be at least 15 meters from schools and 7.5 meters from churches or businesses.
Construction Standards:
Weatherproof with proper ventilation.
Built to prevent rodents and predators.
Must include nest boxes, perches, and proper space for poultry.
Size Limits:
Coops must be clean, sanitary, and free of vermin.
No more than 3 ft³ of manure can be stored on-site at any time.
Food must be stored in rodent-proof containers.
Enforcement & Penalties
Right of Entry:
Contact Information
For further details or questions, please contact the Township of Guelph/Eramosa By-law Enforcement Department.
Phone: 519-856-9596 ext. 121
Email: bylaw@get.on.ca