Hydrant Flushing


Each year, the Township of Guelph/Eramosa conducts its annual hydrant flushing in Rockwood and the Hamilton Drive area. Hydrant flushing is usually completed during the month of May.

Hydrant flushing (or watermain cleaning) is necessary to remove sediment from the pipes in order to maintain water clarity and quality in the distribution pipes. 

During the month of  May, the Township will be conducting its annual water main cleaning (also referred to as hydrant flushing) in Rockwood and the Hamilton Drive area

The website will be updated when the work in each Area has been completed, please check back regularly for status updates.

Updates and Project Status - 2024 Hydrant Flushing

Routine Flushing Is Complete!

View Map of Hydrant Flushing Areas in Rockwood and Status Updates

Flushing in Rockwood will begin in area A and move alphabetically, ending in area F. 

Area A - Completed.

Area B - Completed.

Area C - Completed.

Area D - Completed.

Area E - Completed.

Area F - Completed.

Do you see sediment or discoloured water in your tap water?

Hydrant flushing (or watermain cleaning) is necessary to remove sediment from the pipes in order to maintain water clarity and quality in the distribution pipes. 

Hydrant flushing activities may create temporary instances of discoloured water from sediment. 

While drinking small quantities of discoloured water is not likely to cause health risk, it is recommended that residents wait until the water runs clear before consuming water.  If you see discoloured water coming out of your faucet, please wait 2 hours to allow for the sediment to settle.  Then, run your cold water tap (not hot) for a short period of time until the water runs clear.  You may need to remove and clean the tap screen.

Prior to hydrant flushing, we recommend that you fill a clean container with tap water for drinking and cooking and store this container in your fridge.

Should you have any questions, please contact our Water Wastewater Division at (519) 856-9596 ext. 122.

What is water main cleaning (hydrant flushing)?

The Water Wastewater Division needs to periodically release water from hydrants. Hydrant flushing is necessary to test the hydrants to make sure adequate flow and pressure is available. Flushing is also done to remove sediment from the pipes in order to maintain water clarity and quality in the distribution pipes.

Does this affect my property?

If you live in the Rockwood and Hamilton Drive areas and receive municipal water and wastewater services, hydrant flushing will impact your home or business.  Please read the following important information.

When does watermain cleaning (hydrant flushing) take place?

The Township of Guelph/Eramosa’s annual flushing program begins when the winter snow has melted and the ground has thawed.  The land must be dry enough to open up fire hydrants and flush until the water coming from the hydrant runs clear. 

How can you find out when flushing is happening?

The Guelph/Eramosa Water Department uses the following methods to inform customers of planned hydrant flushing:

  • Advertisement in the “Wellington Advertiser” 
  • Website posting at www.get.on.ca  under “News and Announcements”
  • Mobile sign notification

NOTE: Due to the regular operational work taking place during the hydrant flushing period, we are unable to provide exact timelines for flushing on a specific street.

Medical equipment

Customers with medical equipment requiring continuous water supply or continuous water pressure are requested to contact the Water Wastewater Division noted below. 

How can you reduce drawing discoloured water into your plumbing?

Put water softeners on bypass to avoid excessive amounts of iron or manganese passing through the media filter to reduce drawing discoloured water into your plumbing. If possible, leave it off during the advertised flushing timeline. 

If you see Water staff on your street flushing a hydrant:

Do not flush toilets or turn on taps.  Ensure water softeners are on bypass to prevent recycling during the process and avoid excessive amounts of iron or manganese through the media filter. Leave off for several hours.

What if you are not home during flushing?

Upon return, check the clarity of your water by running a cold water faucet in the basement or main floor (closest point of entry).

What should I do if I see discoloured water coming out of my faucet?

If you see a reddish, yellow, or brown tint to your tap water, do not be alarmed. It is recommended you do not use the water or do laundry for about two hours. This will give the sediment time to settle. After two hours, run a cold faucet for about five minutes to make sure the water is clear. Do not choose a faucet with a water filter connected to it, as sediment may clog the filter. Do not use a hot water tap as doing so may draw sediment into your hot water tank.  If water pressure or water volume seems low after flushing has been completed, check faucet screens for trapped particles.

If the water does not clear after 30 minutes, or if you have reduced pressure or flow, please contact the Water Wastewater Division at 519-856-9596 ext. 122