Remembering the Fallen
A tribute to the soldiers remembered on the Rockwood Cenotaph
In November 2014, Heritage Guelph/Eramosa released its first publication, Remembering the Fallen: A tribute to the soldiers on the Rockwood Cenotaph. This publication features stories and images of the 24 fallen soldiers who lost their lives in World War I and II and whose names appear on the Rockwood Cenotaph. Read about the soldiers’ lives in Guelph/Eramosa before the war and learn about the battles in which they heroically fought and died.
By 2021, Heritage Guelph/Eramosa had received several content updates from the community and family members of the fallen and decided it was time to update the content with those corrections, and so the 3rd edition of Remembering the Fallen was created. See the 3rd edition of the flipbook below or obtain a copy of the original Remembering the Fallen free-of-charge at the Township’s Municipal Office
Special thanks to the community members and families of the soldiers who helped to make this project possible by sharing stories, photos, and information.
Access the online flip book today! Complete with page hyperlinks to help you easily navigate through the text. All hyperlinks appear as blue text.